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Dua – e – Faraj This dua is attributed to the living Imam Mehdi (atfs). It brings immediate help from our living imam. It is recommended to be recited often by Ulama .Kafami says in his book Baladul Amin that if a wrongfully confined prisoner recites this dua’a he will soon be set free. If …

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Hadith Al Kisa

Hadith al-Kisa is a famous narration from the household of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This narration recounts the incident when the Prophet (PBUH) was visited by his daughter, Fatima, her husband, Ali, and their two children, Hasan and Husayn. While they were sitting together, an angel from Allah descended and introduced himself as Jibreel. The angel informed the Prophet (PBUH) that Allah had commanded him to purify the family members present in the room. The Prophet (PBUH) covered them with his own cloak, prayed for them and recited verses from the Quran as a sign of their purification.

The Hadith al-Kisa is a symbol of love and respect for the Ahlul Bayt (the family of the Prophet) and signifies the intimate connection that Muslims have with the Prophet and his family.

Dua – e – Tawassul

Dua e Tawassul is a supplication that is recited to seek the intercession of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or any of the Ahlul Bayt (pious family members of the Prophet) in times of difficulty. It is a powerful prayer that seeks the intervention of these revered figures in the court of Allah to plead for the forgiveness and mercy of the Almighty.

The dua starts with praising Allah and invoking His blessings upon the Prophet and his progeny, followed by expressing one’s reliance on their intercession to seek Allah’s forgiveness for sins and to ask for His favor and blessings.

It is important to note that while seeking intercession, Muslims believe that Allah is the ultimate decision-maker, and it is through His will and mercy that prayers are answered.

Dua e Tawassul is a beautiful way to connect with Allah and seek His help through the intercession of His chosen ones.

Dua – e – Nudba

Dua Nudba is a prayer recited by some Shia Muslims on Friday mornings, particularly during the month of Ramadan. It is a powerful supplication that expresses the yearning of believers for the coming of Imam Mahdi, the twelfth and final Shia imam whose return is awaited as part of Shia belief. The prayer also calls upon God to hasten the end of oppression and injustice in the world and to grant success and relief to the oppressed.

The recitation of Dua Nudba signifies the deep connection between Shia Muslims and their imams. It is a reminder of the sacrifices made by Prophet Muhammad’s family and the importance of upholding their values and teachings. The prayer also serves as a source of hope and inspiration for believers who seek refuge in God’s mercy and guidance. Ultimately, the significance of Dua Nudba lies in its ability to strengthen the faith and resolve of believers as they strive to follow the path of righteousness and justice.

Dua – e – Kumayl

Dua Kumayl is a special prayer recited by Muslims at night during the holy month of Ramadan. It is a supplication that seeks forgiveness from God and blessings for the believer. The prayer is narrated by Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and has a significant spiritual and moral value for believers.

The prayer expresses humility, submission, and dependency on God and recognizes the value of seeking forgiveness and repentance. It also emphasizes the importance of being mindful of one’s actions, seeking guidance, and being grateful to God.

Dua Kumayl has been praised by many scholars and is considered a powerful spiritual tool for believers seeking forgiveness and spiritual development. Muslims around the world recite this prayer during Ramadan as a means of connecting with God, seeking forgiveness, and strengthening their faith.

Dua – e – Faraj

This dua is attributed to the living Imam Mehdi (atfs). It brings immediate help from our living imam. It is recommended to be recited often by Ulama .Kafami says in his book Baladul Amin that if a wrongfully confined prisoner recites this dua’a he will soon be set free. If a person find himself surrounded by misfortunes or intrigues he must recite this dua’a to come through tight situations, deadlock and crises.

Monday Rites

Monday is an important day for Shia Muslims as it is dedicated to the remembrance of certain events and personalities in Islamic history. One of the key Monday rituals is reciting the duas of Imam Zainulabideen, Bibi Fatima, and Imam Ali. These prayers hold special significance in Shia Islam as they are believed to provide spiritual guidance and protection to the believers. The dua of Imam Zainulabideen is a supplication for seeking forgiveness and blessings from Allah. The dua of Bibi Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad, is recited to seek her intercession and blessings. The dua of Imam Ali is considered a comprehensive supplication that covers all aspects of life. The recitation of these prayers on Mondays is a way for Shia Muslims to seek spiritual strength and blessings from Allah and the Ahlulbayt.

Ziarat – e – Ashura

Ziarat Ashura is a prayer recited by Shia Muslims to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions in the battle of Karbala. The prayer is a way of seeking forgiveness and expressing love and devotion towards the Ahlulbayt (AS).

In this powerful prayer, the reciter acknowledges the sacrifices made by Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions in standing up against injustice and tyranny. The prayer also condemns the enemies of Islam and urges the believers to stay on the right path of faith and righteousness.

Ziarat Ashura serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, no matter the cost. It is a source of comfort and strength for the believers, who take solace in knowing that Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions remain shining examples of bravery, piety, and devotion.

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